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Let us answer your question with another question: How many times have you been told to "man up" and how many times have you tried? Or better yet... how many times have you actually nailed it, tough guy, champ, legend, beast, sport, tiger?

Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. That’s the thing with "traditional" masculinity. Yeah, man... the one that forces you to be tough but is afraid to let you feel. The one that expects you to be the hottest and most successful guy in the room while making you feel the exact opposite. The one that tells you to take care of others but forgets that you need to take care of yourself, too.

Let’s be real. At DisMANtle, we’re here to dismantle you. Well, not you exactly—that would be a bit intense. But we’re definitely here to dismantle the way you see yourself. How? Simple: by getting under your skin. Literally.

So that your hair reflects what's beneath it, so having soft skin isn’t a bad thing but something desirable, and so feeling good on the inside is just as important as looking good on the outside. So you can take care of yourself and let others take care of you too, and decide for yourself what it means to be a man.

If you’re tired of the "being man enough" nonsense, step into your own skin and let us help you out. Because there are some things you can’t do alone. That’s what we’re here for—your new personal care brand, right? ;)